Roaring Fork Horse Council
Minutes of the August 23, 2016 Meeting
Minutes of the August 23, 2016 Meeting
Colorado Horse Council 8/23/16 meeting minutes
Meeting convened at the Pitkin County Library, at 5:40 p.m.
Introductions and sign-in. Attendees
* Rheta posed the question, “should the RF Horse Council join the Colorado Horse Council?
Discussion of the history of Sky Mountain Park history and Owl Creek Ranch members; use of the rodeo grounds, other proposed uses, etc. With regard to Sky Mountain Park, the intended use under original purchase proposal. Leslie Thomas thought it might be interesting to review the BoCC documents.
Jim is involved with the Rodeo and the Horse Council would like or June to support of the rodeo and there was discussion about Geoff’s Day of the Cowboy suggestions (May 2016 Minutes).
With regard to the rodeo ground, when tourists, or, for that matter, rodeo participants arrive early, wish to stay overnight for whatever reason, they are not allowed to sleep in their truck or trailer overnight. The same is not true of bikers/hiker or skiers, who do stay in the Town Park parking lot and camp.
There have been comments in the past that visitors might like to bring horses to trail ride but there is no accommodation nor facilities and it is not conducive; that the Town/Valley may be missing tourist-generated revenue.
Suggested places to keep horses while visiting were 7-Star Ranch and\or base village. That such a place may be nice amenity to the town and generate revenue. Leslie Thomas asked Jim Snyder who may be the best council-man to approach. He thought Marqui Butler (Mayor) may be the best; Tom Goode was on the council. Arnie Morgan owns a horse and keeps it at Owl Creek Ranch.
Leslie Thomas has had discussions with Jeff Groom, who has the outfitter license from the Town base at the moment. Jim Snyder will talk to Tom about horse-related activity developments.
No horse signs on Sky Mountain Trail were removed. Discussion about options for horses.
A great basis for future development, or, example of successful horse trails: Hope Ranch, California. Parklike.
The issue with access on or across public land may be a matter of legal liability and insurance. Offer releases, could the Horse Council accommodate this? * Suggestion for the RF Horse Council to join and be a member of the Colorado Horse Council – the idea being this would afford benefits such as an insurance base, credit card processing and other items such as indemnity agreement, credibility, etc.
BYLAWS – no update yet, need amending and legal counsel suggested that if we amend the voting process, if there is anything else, it would be prudent to amend at the same time. Rheta suggested, an executive session to review.
That it would be nice to complete the process by year end, by the membership renewal. Date was set for the first week of October at 6.00 – Tuesday 10/20/16 in Glenwood Springs.
2 things: change the meeting date in September b/c she will be heavily involved with Harry & Snowman, thus not 9/27th but 9/20th, most likely at the Pitkin County Library again, as Karin will be staying at the Molly Gibson in Aspen. Rheta will reserve the room.
Karin asked us to hand out invitations to friends, invite people. The mailing of invitations had proved too expensive.
Facebook access and traffic is going very well. 500 likes, but currently we are hitting the target markets. There are some options such as Constant Contact who will track who opens a newsletter etc. which may be helpful to identify those market/target. The newsletter is distributed on a first-name basis, via blind email. Leslie inquired how often this would go out, Karin, specifically when we have an announcement.
With regard to Harry & Snowman, there will be a book signing at Explore Booksellers I Aspen
Trying to have hotels offer block room rates for the airing of the movie 9/28th
Alexandra was not able to attend. No report. Some discussion about future fund raisers, working in conjunction with Windwalkers; Holly will call Gabrielle, explain this year’s donation limit and was same for all recipients.
Martha McCoy with Advocate Safehouse has been very supportive of the Horse Council and Leslie indicated she had promised a donation; discussions about several donations given in the past, and whom usually receive contributions, particularly those entities that in turn support the Council.
Inquiry, who was/is: COMPASS, was paid $500 the past but not the last year. No vote on the matter immediately apparent in the minutes, where did this come from and who is Compass?
Recipients this year:
$100 Windwalkers
$100 Advocate Safehouse
$100 RF Hounds Pony Club
$150 Colorado Hunter Jumper Association
Higher donations have been made to one or more these charities in the past. In the event we can successfully raise additional funds, we can think about increasing these in the future.
Leslie cautioned that when advocating for our group, there are many users, and some have partnered with the Horse Council, to be reticent to criticize a group who truly may be working with us.
Leslie was going to ride one of Jeff Groom’s horses up on Sky Mountain Park but the cost was $50. Since she cannot get her horse there for lack of trailer, Karin offered to pay the $50 for her.
Trail poster was placed on Prince Creek as promised by the BLM; however, when Holly was up there on recognizances, there are parking lots where kids have had fire pits and parties, burning pallets, and those lots are full of nails – which is a hazard to all users. She had advised BLM
Holly opened discussion about joining the valley chambers. Aspen’s Chamber membership is $567 a year (based on membership) and benefits include discounted merchant services, Aspen Ski Co passes (but for which members, and what were those criteria) and of course, advertising, links to websites, inclusion in their publications, etc. Colleen suggested that we review what Basalt Chamber may charge – believing it is less costly, offers the same benefits, and, most horse owners, boarders were more likely located in, lived in, and rode in Basalt or Carbondale. Holly would review. Holly did bring a copy of the National Mountain Biking Association publication which is free about the valley, has trail maps and information and a very comprehensive source of information for bikers – that it may be a worthy goal to establish something similar for visiting equestrians.
Survey Monkey update – we will wait for Alexandra
Meeting adjourned at 7.31 p.m.
Meeting convened at the Pitkin County Library, at 5:40 p.m.
Introductions and sign-in. Attendees
- Rheta Strong
- Margeurite Dykan
- Jim Snyder, manager at Owl Creek Ranch and Snowmass Rodeo
- Leslie Thomas
- Holly McLain
- Colleen Hause
- Karen Offield, by phone
- Absent: Alexandra Anwyl-Davies
* Rheta posed the question, “should the RF Horse Council join the Colorado Horse Council?
- Holly McLain made the motion to join
- Leslie Second, all Aye.
Discussion of the history of Sky Mountain Park history and Owl Creek Ranch members; use of the rodeo grounds, other proposed uses, etc. With regard to Sky Mountain Park, the intended use under original purchase proposal. Leslie Thomas thought it might be interesting to review the BoCC documents.
Jim is involved with the Rodeo and the Horse Council would like or June to support of the rodeo and there was discussion about Geoff’s Day of the Cowboy suggestions (May 2016 Minutes).
With regard to the rodeo ground, when tourists, or, for that matter, rodeo participants arrive early, wish to stay overnight for whatever reason, they are not allowed to sleep in their truck or trailer overnight. The same is not true of bikers/hiker or skiers, who do stay in the Town Park parking lot and camp.
There have been comments in the past that visitors might like to bring horses to trail ride but there is no accommodation nor facilities and it is not conducive; that the Town/Valley may be missing tourist-generated revenue.
Suggested places to keep horses while visiting were 7-Star Ranch and\or base village. That such a place may be nice amenity to the town and generate revenue. Leslie Thomas asked Jim Snyder who may be the best council-man to approach. He thought Marqui Butler (Mayor) may be the best; Tom Goode was on the council. Arnie Morgan owns a horse and keeps it at Owl Creek Ranch.
Leslie Thomas has had discussions with Jeff Groom, who has the outfitter license from the Town base at the moment. Jim Snyder will talk to Tom about horse-related activity developments.
No horse signs on Sky Mountain Trail were removed. Discussion about options for horses.
A great basis for future development, or, example of successful horse trails: Hope Ranch, California. Parklike.
The issue with access on or across public land may be a matter of legal liability and insurance. Offer releases, could the Horse Council accommodate this? * Suggestion for the RF Horse Council to join and be a member of the Colorado Horse Council – the idea being this would afford benefits such as an insurance base, credit card processing and other items such as indemnity agreement, credibility, etc.
BYLAWS – no update yet, need amending and legal counsel suggested that if we amend the voting process, if there is anything else, it would be prudent to amend at the same time. Rheta suggested, an executive session to review.
That it would be nice to complete the process by year end, by the membership renewal. Date was set for the first week of October at 6.00 – Tuesday 10/20/16 in Glenwood Springs.
2 things: change the meeting date in September b/c she will be heavily involved with Harry & Snowman, thus not 9/27th but 9/20th, most likely at the Pitkin County Library again, as Karin will be staying at the Molly Gibson in Aspen. Rheta will reserve the room.
Karin asked us to hand out invitations to friends, invite people. The mailing of invitations had proved too expensive.
Facebook access and traffic is going very well. 500 likes, but currently we are hitting the target markets. There are some options such as Constant Contact who will track who opens a newsletter etc. which may be helpful to identify those market/target. The newsletter is distributed on a first-name basis, via blind email. Leslie inquired how often this would go out, Karin, specifically when we have an announcement.
With regard to Harry & Snowman, there will be a book signing at Explore Booksellers I Aspen
Trying to have hotels offer block room rates for the airing of the movie 9/28th
Alexandra was not able to attend. No report. Some discussion about future fund raisers, working in conjunction with Windwalkers; Holly will call Gabrielle, explain this year’s donation limit and was same for all recipients.
Martha McCoy with Advocate Safehouse has been very supportive of the Horse Council and Leslie indicated she had promised a donation; discussions about several donations given in the past, and whom usually receive contributions, particularly those entities that in turn support the Council.
Inquiry, who was/is: COMPASS, was paid $500 the past but not the last year. No vote on the matter immediately apparent in the minutes, where did this come from and who is Compass?
Recipients this year:
$100 Windwalkers
$100 Advocate Safehouse
$100 RF Hounds Pony Club
$150 Colorado Hunter Jumper Association
Higher donations have been made to one or more these charities in the past. In the event we can successfully raise additional funds, we can think about increasing these in the future.
Leslie cautioned that when advocating for our group, there are many users, and some have partnered with the Horse Council, to be reticent to criticize a group who truly may be working with us.
Leslie was going to ride one of Jeff Groom’s horses up on Sky Mountain Park but the cost was $50. Since she cannot get her horse there for lack of trailer, Karin offered to pay the $50 for her.
Trail poster was placed on Prince Creek as promised by the BLM; however, when Holly was up there on recognizances, there are parking lots where kids have had fire pits and parties, burning pallets, and those lots are full of nails – which is a hazard to all users. She had advised BLM
Holly opened discussion about joining the valley chambers. Aspen’s Chamber membership is $567 a year (based on membership) and benefits include discounted merchant services, Aspen Ski Co passes (but for which members, and what were those criteria) and of course, advertising, links to websites, inclusion in their publications, etc. Colleen suggested that we review what Basalt Chamber may charge – believing it is less costly, offers the same benefits, and, most horse owners, boarders were more likely located in, lived in, and rode in Basalt or Carbondale. Holly would review. Holly did bring a copy of the National Mountain Biking Association publication which is free about the valley, has trail maps and information and a very comprehensive source of information for bikers – that it may be a worthy goal to establish something similar for visiting equestrians.
Survey Monkey update – we will wait for Alexandra
Meeting adjourned at 7.31 p.m.