If you pay on line here with Pay Pal your name and tickets will be at "will call" at the door May 5th, at Rumble Ridge Ranch.
$50.00 at the door on May 5th
When you renew or become a new member, you will help the RFVHC promote horses and Western Heritage by protecting trails for enjoyable horse powered recreation!
The RFVHC hopes to educate and inspire people to act and save our access to these historic trails.
The Horse Council is engaged with government agencies, empowering citizens and grassroots groups to effect positive change to keep horses on trails today and for future generations.
$50.00 at the door on May 5th
When you renew or become a new member, you will help the RFVHC promote horses and Western Heritage by protecting trails for enjoyable horse powered recreation!
The RFVHC hopes to educate and inspire people to act and save our access to these historic trails.
The Horse Council is engaged with government agencies, empowering citizens and grassroots groups to effect positive change to keep horses on trails today and for future generations.